- Choose between a continuous or modified contour drawing for artwork. Choose whichever type of shoe to draw too. Draw shoe with a marker or pen.
- Get as creative as you want to with this and keep the shoe as the main focus. You can add to the background and color that if desired, just make sure to keep the shoe a contour line drawing!
Focus on taking your time and drawing slowly for deliberate line making.
- Get as creative as you want to with this and keep the shoe as the main focus. You can add to the background and color that if desired, just make sure to keep the shoe a contour line drawing!
Focus on taking your time and drawing slowly for deliberate line making.
- Drawing Paper
- Pencil
- Pen or markers
- Pencil
- Pen or markers
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Student Experimentation and Process:
1. Blind Contour Drawing of an object (look only at the object as you focus on drawing your subject for the main details)
- You should have a blind contour of the following: A lightbulb, a can opener, and one object of your choice
2. Continuous Contour Drawing of an object (draw out your object with only ONE line and do not pick up your pencil when drawing)
- You should have a continuous contour of the following: a glue bottle and a skull
3. Modified Contour Drawing (Look at object more than you look at paper. Can lift pencil. Edits can be made.)
- You should have a modified contour of the following: a converse shoe and a bird
- You should have a blind contour of the following: A lightbulb, a can opener, and one object of your choice
2. Continuous Contour Drawing of an object (draw out your object with only ONE line and do not pick up your pencil when drawing)
- You should have a continuous contour of the following: a glue bottle and a skull
3. Modified Contour Drawing (Look at object more than you look at paper. Can lift pencil. Edits can be made.)
- You should have a modified contour of the following: a converse shoe and a bird